Wednesday, September 14, 2005 Missing My Beautiful Sranger I wonder why everything's a routine these days. I was bored. I checked my dl account and there... I checked out... my beautiful stranger's page. Golly. I missed the old days! LMAO! I have not seen her since July (I think). I think I brought her medicines and choc crinkles. She was sick that time and I was dead worry about her. We weren't able to hang out that long since she had to go to work and I had to go to school. She's such a kid! LOL mmm. I wonder what she's doing right now? Prolly, she's still at work. Yeah, she's still at work. She texted me the other day her schedule. I was surprised when she texted me a quote the other night. It wasn't really the kind of forwarded messages that she usually sends (she sends me "loka" quotes!... I don't even consider a quote! LOL). Here's the quote she sent me: "A person asked me once why I love hanging out with you. I cme to think about it 4 the first time and got the answer: Of all the people I knew who heard my life, you're one of the few who listed. =)". Yes, I know... it's just a stupid quote. She must have forwarded it to every single chic in her phonebook BUT I really appreciate the fact that she thought of sending it to me. I never really think that she considers me as a "special" part of her life since... I'm JUST a KID. I'm just her KAMOTE. geeze! That nick drives me nuts! I really treasured that stranger. I treasure her till now. Even though she can be really annoying at times (which is most of the time! LOL), she's got a way with me. You're probably wondering why... Well, it's not because of her looks (She's so not ugly ok? In fact, she's mmm... beautiful (that is why I named her - beautiful stranger)... It's because there's something in her eyes that is UNEXPLAINABLE. Sometimes I don't like the way she treats me... but seeing those flaws makes me want to understand her more. I feel like there's SOMETHING behind her behavior. Gawd... Do I sound silly? (HELL NO.). She really is a stranger to me... a sensual, immortal and nomadic stranger. Well, whatever. All I know is that even though we both view life in a different perspective, I'll always be the KAMOTE she met at LaDida a few years ago. I'll always love her as a stranger... as a friend... ![]()