Reality Check!

Wednesday, December 27, 2006

I am exceptional but I am not an exception.

We sat on the grass, in front of the chapel as we finally got the courage to communicate how we feel for each other. The sky was on fire. A combination of black and orange... an unlikely color at around 9:30 in the evening. The setting was perfect but what happened was the exact opposite.

She likes me. Maybe even loves me. I like her too. Maybe I'm starting to love her. For her, I am exceptional. I am gifted. Intelligent. Beautiful. Naturally Good. For me, she is one great person who was able to make me believe again in the beauty of commitment.

...but she can't commit. not with me. In her eyes, I am exceptional. In my eyes, I am never an exception for heartaches.

Posted by Thinker :: 10:31 PM :: 2 Comments:

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Monday, December 25, 2006

Ol' Christmas

Here I am, back in the comforts of my room… still feeling “uncomforted”. There’s always this time of the year that I dreaded the most. It’s Christmas. I’ve always hated it. It is a reminder that there are vital things that are still missing in my life. These aspects that are lacking are magnified by this supposedly joyous season.

It’s funny that I have often perceived myself as an extraordinary person. Extraordinary in the sense that I had already experienced situations that girls of my age are not yet experiencing. Am I blessed because I get to learn ahead of everyone else? Or am I cursed because vicarious learning seldom occurs to me and therefore I have to experience things first hand?

I wonder why I am incapable of feeling anger. I find this inability very unfortunate because as its consequence, I bleed a lot. Worst part is they do not hear what I am not saying. My smile disguises every tear. I am someone everyone meets everyday, and yet my emotion remains to be a stranger that is tragically lost in space. If I could just hate, then maybe I will survive.

It’s a warm but cruel world and for this, I almost don’t want nobody to bring me to life. I fear their touch for it may turn into scratches that can hardly heal even through a whole lifetime. I fear to look at someone’s eyes for they might not be seeing beneath mine. I almost fear living. I have almost accepted death.

All these will be kept in silence. They’ll never see the other side of my face. They’ll never feel a single ache. They will pass me by and continue their rainbow colored lives while I hide in the darkness of my sheer misery. But then again…as I’ve always told myself… at least they’re alive.

Posted by Thinker :: 4:29 AM :: 4 Comments:

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Monday, December 18, 2006

a year and a half of relapse

when you're dreaming with a broken heart
the giving up is the hardest part
she takes you in with your crying eyes
then all at once you have to say goodbye

Posted by Thinker :: 2:40 AM :: 0 Comments:

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Saturday, December 16, 2006

Her Italia

I stand on her grounds at nights she would not imagine.
Capturing each scene …
And reminiscing every moment…
I have treasured from within.
In days when I am lucky to live within her memory,
I failingly gaze directly through the mirror of her soul -
The windows of her innocence
Which consistently reflects the pangs of my frustration.
As each moment withers and so does my spry remarks.
Leaving me foolishly wordless…
Dreamily beaming before her.
I dare not reach out…
Nor touch her hand and feel her skin.
I dare not try to make a reality out of this trance…
For fear of dying without bliss.
But dare to correct me if you can…
For my nirvana may lie upon her bounds.
I could not write a worthy poem tonight.
Oh what I would not give…
For these words to reach her…
And touch her already reserved heart.
I could not hope for anything more than this
But for my words to reach the depths of her mind…
To feel what I feel,
To uncover the sentiments hidden beneath my fears.
And to nourish a hope, I have long been planning to kill.-11:33pm dec.3

*I hope not to be crushing on anyone for the next decade. Not Italia nor the Promdi. It'll make my life a little less colorful. It'll make me live in silence. Yes, silence... it's what I need.

Posted by Thinker :: 1:20 PM :: 0 Comments:

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Tuesday, December 12, 2006

"What is there about his word?" Lk4,31-37

God seems to tell me that even if I am always confused and I have a lot of things in mind, if I choose to do the right things, then I'll always be at the right path.

For the past days, reality seemed to creep in. I have never perceived the world in such a negative way. maybe I was just disappointed - with what was happening. I have always been idealistic and I never really expected that the people I love and give importance to can be a little too self centered. I have been having a hard time digesting the fact that not everyone will choose to do the right thing and it has affected me to the extent that I lost my desire to work. I forgot that I have to "WORK WITH A PURPOSE". I forgot that I used to be passionate about life.

What is there about his word? ...that makes me want to do good things and be different from the others? Why am I gravitated towards his word despite the fact that I have the freedom to do whatever?

Posted by Thinker :: 10:06 PM :: 0 Comments:

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Tuesday, December 05, 2006


now that's a good news! proud of yah! i wonder how diff u are now... hmmm... =)

--quite different. had a haircut. got bangs. I THINK I'M TANNED. im noisier. well, still picky. oh, I already watch what I eat (something very new...but I still eat a lot). More independent I guess. Happier. Lazy ass. more impulsive. loving myself more. mmm... what else? How about you? what's new with you deary?
...oh, im a bit more crazy nowadays.

Posted by Thinker :: 11:07 PM :: 1 Comments:

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Sunday, December 03, 2006

Dating myself

I've realized one thing (and it may sound so conceited): I'm fun to be with. After dating myself (yes, I watched a flick by myself), I realized that it's not really a pain to hang around the mall, eat, and watch a good movie by myself. I've actually enjoyed it (and I hope I ain't turning asexual or something. harhar.). I think it's better than going out with someone boring.
It's an unusual pick but I decided to go to Market Market yesterday. I've been there I think only twice or thrice. It was packed with people... mostly joli ones (sorry for the term). There were lotsa stores and I enjoyed going in and out of each store by myself. Walang istorbo and also no KJ with me. I was able to buy a few things for myself. Wow... It was fun!! :P
I was also able to contemplate a bit. Now I've really absorbed the fact that I'm single and I'm enjoying it. It's a good thing right?
Well, anyway... I'm planning to save a portion of my allowance so I can really shop before Christmas. There's this leopard skin mules and it's only worth a few pesos. wow...

Posted by Thinker :: 8:17 PM :: 1 Comments:

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Saturday, December 02, 2006


The disadvantage of being single is doing certain things by yourself. Don't get me wrong, I love doing things alone. It's just that I'm scared to watch a flick (which is a school requirement) by myself. ^-^ I need a date. Ok, just a company. damn it.

Posted by Thinker :: 12:18 PM :: 1 Comments:

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