Thursday, August 25, 2005 suprise surprise! I was happy when I found out that I got 97 out of 100 in one of my tests... but then... guess what? I failed another test! GEEZE! I think I only got 69! HELL! Anywayz, all's done. Let's move on... Lotsa "unexpected" stuff happened today... LIke... our dean asked me to lead the usherettes tomorrow and on Saturday. I have to strategize, brief the usherettes, give directions and all that. ...Tomorrow, my mom's going to school. Can't believe she'll be attending the honor's assembly. Wow... I'm finally gettin the "support". ...GUESS WHAT? I gut a pup! yuP! I named her... PETTIE PATSIE. geeze, whatta name no? Oh well, I got the "pettie" from my every deary stuff animal "PETTIE STEADY"... and Patsie... from my first ever GUY crush in 8 years (HA! beat that!)... waaaaaaaaaaH! oh well, it's nothin serious. =P ...I finally submitted my sample works for ASSUMPTA. ... It's the AC literary magazine. Hope they'll accept me. wut else? Oh, the person me and my sis were crushing.. is a good friend of my ka MU before. geeze! ...oh... I'm missing the beautiful stranger. I just remember some stuff she told me about life and shit. She was pretty tough but I really learned a lot from her. Sucha nice friend. ...Me and sammie.. we became quite "close" again. Well... Sammie's just a friend. A real good one. It's proven. ... I still miss ohel at times... ok... I miss her everyday. But I guess I've accepted the stuff that happened so it doesn't hurt THAT much anymore... only a bit. hehe! for me... I'll be studying my butt off for the second half of this semester. Make up for all the quizzes I failed (imagine! I was crying while taking some of those quizzes! golly geeze! talk about depressioN!)... and try to live a better life... and mm... establish a stronger bond with my family... enjoy my friends... enjoy my being young... and uh... get a boyfriend? like a... uh... medical intern who's about to graduate in a month's time? HAHAHA! CMON MAMON! JUST KIDDING! :P ![]()