Sunday, September 25, 2005 do good, do well DO GOOD… DO WELL Everyday, we wake up... open our eyes, take a bath, eat and start our chores. There are a lot of things to do. We all have lots of responsibilities. These responsibilities rooted from our families, studies or work and of course from the society we all move with. Often times, we get tired of all these responsibilities and some even try to escape from it. They try to live each day by only facing what is convenient and what would benefit them more. Some concentrate too much on what would make them happier. They expect to get that feeling of happiness and contentment by focusing on their current states. We only live once. A time passed can never be brought back and therefore we have to seize each day that lies ahead of us. How? Simple! By doing GOOD and doing WELL in every chores, tasks and responsibilities. We must be conscious of every decisions we take because it affects the world we live in. Good: an adjective that indicates that something is approved of or desirable; of a high quality or standard (Encarta Dictionary 2003 ed.) Well: a grammatical word indicating that something is satisfactory or is performed in a satisfactory way (Encarta Dictionary 2003 ed.) “Do Good, Do Well.” The phrase speaks of different ideas but it all arrives in only one meaning and this is to seize the day. It talks about taking advantage of every opportunity that is introduced to us. Each time we breathe the air equals an opportunity of making use of each second wisely as we spend our lives. We do not have to let each day pass by only facing what is “attractive” and easy for us. Often times, we always take the easy way out. We usually think of ourselves – how we look, what are we having for dinner, how we make ourselves rich, etc. Being focused on ourselves is natural. We all have the instinct to do things for us to survive. This is human nature. However, sometimes because we brood over on ourselves, we miss the chance to actually experience the kind of happiness that we get by giving our attention to other people. Yes, there is a kind of happiness that we get by thinking less of ourselves. There is a “fulfilled” feeling whenever a person reaches out to the society. It doesn’t matter how long or how wide you extend your help to other people. It doesn’t matter your style of sharing a portion of yourself to them but what is important is that you share a certain awareness with them - being responsible for your neighbor, being conscious that your acts (simple or not) affect the society and simply being selfless. A good example of acts of selflessness that will greatly affect the society is by considering the less fortunate when putting up a business. You can help these people by taking into account the product costs and labor costs. The costs of the product should be affordable to these less fortunate people. They should also be able to experience the delight of using a product. The costs of labor should also be taken into consideration. A just compensation will be greatly appreciated by these workers especially those that are below the poverty line. You do not only help these workers but also their families. I believe that when we do good to others, we are also doing well for ourselves. We learn to appreciate the simple things that we already have. We learn to be thankful and be contented. We start to realize that we already have so much when compared to others and we can still help in our different ways. These ways doesn’t have to be very big efforts but we can start of by little methods. When we do good to ourselves, we are also doing well to others. Our little efforts of being a responsible and socially aware daughter/son, student and citizen affect the society in ways we can imagine. We are all interconnected. We are all our brother’s keepers thus we have to seize our lives by doing good, doing well, and making a difference. *I didn't know a movie can make me feel so empty. Yes, I feel empty. I always experience this feeling... a feeling of losing someone very important you... over and over again ... and you can't just damn escape it. After my suicidal shits, I realized that there'll be times that I'll have no control of my thinking. I guess that is why I am now so scared of getting the blues... I don't want to do it again... It is not the temptation of death but more of my thoughts... my mind... it might not be able to escape the shits of reality... I'm just full of crap tonight. oh fuck it. ![]()