Thursday, June 23, 2005 I love you Wednesday Today's the 23rd! 2 years man! Grabehan! I almost bought her a cellphone! TSK! Love is blind! hahah! Good thing, she does not blind me that much now. Only a teensy winsy... I love you Wednesday! I remember Regine Velasquez shouting that in one of her movies (I think with Richard Gomez! haha!). I think it's because every Wednesday (oh.. I dunno if it's really Wednesday or Friday..), she gets to see Richard because it's color coding... E She likes Richard blah blah. Anyway, I love Wednesday because... uhm... there's no classes. BEH! :P I'm so sleepy. I just finished my two papers that I have to pass later. I was out the whole day. Was with the beautiful stranger. Gotta admit that I missed her. And... ok, I won't fuckin deny anymore... i love her(hell yeah! you read it right!) but you know it's not like I badly want her to be mine. I ain't expecting anything because I don't want to be disappointed (and uh.. trying to be steady... moderate u know... moderate.) and I don't want her to commit in a relationship because she's just pressured to do so. That'll be a bummer. I'm just praying that whoever the next person God will give me...will love me solely..and of course will make me happy. I'm just TRYING (hard) to go with the flow of things. God knows best! Even if I'm almost out of hope at times, I still believe that he has plans for me... great plans... some of which I never even thought of. -sigh- I sound like I'm forever hoping right? HA! I will I'll be in school til 5 pm later and I'll be half awake and half asleep walking in the corridors! Golly! I can't believe I won't be able to have lunch tom. Yes, my 30 minutes lunch is occupied. The block reps will be having a meeting. I just hope that they won't be late later. I can't afford to extend and be late at my next class.'s the my paper for my Marriage and Family Life Class... Doing this paper REALLY made me reflect about a lot of things...Haven't proof read it yet... -yawn- REACTION PAPER: Things learned from Inter gender Relationships • HINDI DAHIL KINAIBIGAN KA, LILIGAWAN KA NA – TRUE. What is courtship anyway? I read from a site that courtship means that there's a CHANCE that the friendship could evolve into a relationship. Unfortunately, not all friendships are made for courtship. I noticed that some people have the tendency to assume that a person who befriends them has a “hidden” motive, which is to make them their lover. There is always a reason why one befriends another and sometimes, people overlook on the other possible reasons. What if that person befriends you because he needs you’re help in Math or in the other subjects? That will certainly be a bummer for anyone who started assuming that the person wants to court her. It’s sad when people have the tendency to stick to their assumptions and they start to expect that the person who befriend them actually likes them. This can sometimes lead to a major disappointment. The act of befriending is not the only sign that shows how a person feels about you. Why would they even use the term kinaibigan or befriend if they’re only looking forward to make you their boyfriend/girlfriend? I think that we should not take for granted the merits of friendship. • HINDI DAHIL MABAIT SA IYO, NILILIGAWAN KA NA. – TRUE. I think that we should be aware that there are different kinds of people. There’ll be those who are overly insensitive, tough and hardheaded while there’ll also be those who are ultimately nice, very thoughtful and kind. I think that these acts are just normal. Sometimes it’s just our imagination that’s playing us. We should keep in mind that simple acts like that can also be seen in other kinds of relationship (a good example is the relationship of a mother and a child or even you’re bestfriend who’ll surely go out of their way to do something special for you). It could be that the person seems to treat you in a special way because you remind him of his sister who lives abroad or you’ve probably done something that meant so much to her that triggers her to treat u differently from your other friends. There are actually a lot of possibilities that can explain why a person sometimes seems to act a bit more than the usual. But I consider the “dropping of verbal” hints as an exception. It’s always different when he drops phrases or lines that are kind of going beyond the limits of friendship. It’s much safer to hear something factual than to see acts and misinterpret it. • HINDI DAHIL HE TALKS TO YOU A LOT, HE LOVES YOU NA. – TRUE. Everybody likes to have someone who’ll listen to them and reciprocate their ideas. It is not wise to think that if a person talks to you a lot, it means that he loves you already. The quantity or number of hours in communication doesn’t portray the deepest feelings of a person, it’s what is being talked about that might be a possible hint if a person loves you. You’ll know that the person loves you when you feel it from his deeds. Anyone can talk to anyone despite how short or how long the conversation is. When a good communication is established, it doesn’t mean that the person is in love with you. It just means that both of your can relate to each other in terms of experiences and thoughts. Sometimes, even emotions. A good example is when two heartbroken people communicate with each other, they’ll probably end up talking for hours because both of them can relate with the heart aches and pains. Both of them can help heal each other and also boost each other’s ego. • HINDI DAHIL CUTE ANG FRIEND MO, CRUSH OR LOVE MO NA SIYA. – It doesn’t mean that if you’re friend is cute, you would actually love him and would want to establish a girlfriend-boyfriend relationship with him. I think that if you find a person cute or attractive it’s just normal for you to be crushing on him/her but this cannot be applied to Love. Love is not developed on what is physical but what is inside the person. Love does not happen overnight. I believe that if you start to see the flaws of the person and still all you’re respect, trust and care is intact and that “intense feeling” is still burning, then for me that is love. I’ve read from the Encarta Dictionary that infatuation is just a great, often temporary, and irrational passion for somebody. Love is never irrational nor even selfish. Sometimes, we don’t know how to distinguish if it’s just infatuation or if it’s already LOVE that we’re experiencing. A very striking difference between love and infatuation is it’s time being. Infatuation is temporary but love, it can last forever. Infatuation is to passion as Love is to compassion. • HINDI DAHIL YOU HANG OUT WITH EACH OTHER MOST OF THE TIME, YOU’D END UP BEING BOYFRIEND – GIRLFRIEND. – I haven’t actually made my stand on this one. I think that the statement has two faces. I guess it varies on the situation. First: I FIND IT TRUE. Girls and Boys hang out not only because they have this “motive” of making each other their “partner” but it may be that they’re just alike in so many ways that it’s easier for them to relate and hang out with each other than with anyone else. Maybe the two of you are just really comfortable with each other. It may also be that the guy sees you as his best friend, younger/older sister or just a part of his peer group. There are a lot of possibilities. Second: A PART OF ME SAYS THAT IT’S FALSE. If the guy does not see you as his best friend, younger/older sister or just a part of his peer group, then how does he sees you? Maybe he sees you as his “special friend” but that is just too vague and sometimes… that “special friend” MIGHT (I’m talking about 50 – 50 chance) end up on a higher level (boyfriend – girlfriend). The fact that he’s hanging out with you most of the time can be because he wants to learn more about you or he likes you already. • A DINNER WITH A GUY FRIEND DOES NOT NECESSARILY MEAN EQUATE TO A DATE. - TRUE. What exactly is a date? I know two kinds of dates. The friendly date (casual eating out style) and the romantic date (usually dreamy and has exerted a lot of effort on). I think that a dinner with a guy friend doesn’t really equate to a romantic date. It may be just a friendly date (Especially if you’re paying for your share!). I think one will know in just a snap if she has gotten herself in a friendly date or in a romantic date. A lot of things should be considered. First, how did the person invite you? Both of you may have proposed eating out together making it just a friendly date. Second, the place where you’ll be eating says a lot. Third, who’ll be eating out with you? Is it just the two of you or with some friends? Fourth, the conversation itself may wrap it all. Although you talk about almost the same things in a friendly and romantic date, I think that the romantic date has a more in depth and personal topic. I honestly think that we sometimes tend to make situations complicated. There are times when we assume and expect too much from a person while on the other hand, that person can be quite tactless with the words and actions that he shows prompting us to believe whatever we imagine. I think it is better to hear whatever clarifications/facts from the person himself rather than guessing, thinking and believing about an issue that is never true. ...Golly, my back, thighs and head are aching. Have to sleep! ![]()