Sunday, June 12, 2005 june 11 I just got home! My sister’s birthday today! I had a lot of fun hanging out with her friends. I missed the old times. I wasn’t really able to enjoy my high school days. I didn’t have much friends in high school. I’d rather hang out with older people than people my age. I thought they are always a better company. But now I think kids are much better! Haha! Whatever. Well, they’re immature, they whine a lot… they kinda suck in some ways… but they tell you what they feel… they tell what’s real…they’re just honest – well, most of them. Adults of course are matured. They are free. They can do whatever…and they can also be good pretenders. HA! I had a lot of fun today. We watched this horror movie and right now… I wanna laugh at myself for being a baby! Haha! I almost jumped at my seat out of fear! MUMU! It’s a good thing I had a good arm to hold on to. It was really comforting. I felt secured the whole time we were watching the movie (well, except for the Mumu moments! Haha!). If I were with my friends, I probably dunno where to hold because we would be all screaming…and frightened. HA! I missed my friends. I miss them so much. I miss the laughter and the tears and all the shitz that we get from each other. I miss their opinions about almost everything… from the way I reported at this subject… to the love of my life. They’ve got brain racking opinions! And sometimes… they help me overcome weakness… don’t ask! Ok, I miss the way they hug me. Everything about them is soooo comforting…so happy… so perfect. Just a few minutes ago, a friend texted me and told me that Bading’s going back to Jersey. I was surprised. I kinda miss her. It has been almost 2 months since we last saw each other. I missed her company. Back then, her heart was mine. She’s just one of a kind. She’s sort of my soulmate (that was what we were thinking back then…). We have been good friend… REALLY GOOD FRIENDS. Everything about her is true. She’s real. I know and I can feel that every thing that she tells me is sincere. Everything’s coming from her heart. That’s what I love about her. She’s childish in some ways (just like me!) but she also thinks like a granny (haha! Like me again!). She’s one of the VERY FEW people who made me feel like I’m a princess. She was very patient. I teased her a lot… put her patience to tests… but still she managed to laugh it all off and gab her way out of my insanity. Even though she doesn’t know almost anything about Metro Manila or whichever part of the Philippines… she never lets me go home ALONE. She risked a lot for me and I can say that I loved her for that. Even in just a short period, her world evolved around me. I never felt like I was being taken for granted. I never felt unimportant to her. I actually felt that I WAS her life. Now, we’re friends – good friends. I’m really lucky. She taught me to value myself that much. She made me believe that I can fly. Among all the lessons she has taught me… this is my favorite… she taught me that I DESERVE TO BE LOVED – TO EXPERIENCE LOVE WITHOUT PRETENSIONS AND MENDACITY. NO GAMES. NO SECOND THOUGHTS. NO HINDRANCES. NO NOTHING – JUST LOVE. And now that she’s actually leaving, I kinda feel blue. I swear I’m going to tell her all this before she leaves. I’m very grateful…I’m very happy… and I’m just gonna make a way to tell her all these stuff. ![]()