Saturday, July 02, 2005 It rained scars and Betadine? Yes, it really rained scars and Betadine. -grinz- I don't want to enumerate all the blades that actually slashed on me and created a scar. It's all over. SCAR=PAST It's just amazing why everytime I am wounded by a lot of issues, God will send me his nurses to aid these scars. I'm lucky that God gave me a lot of friends. I mean I know I had lotsa friends. I know a lot of people but I didn't know that most of the people I know really care for me. For the past weeks I have been trying to reach out to the people I thought would save me from this melancholy. Yes, they held my hand but not to tight that they've also let me fall into deeper misery and the people I didn't expect to catch me are just there waiting for my fall... waiting their turn to catch me. As I was falling into that deeper misery, I thought that something's wrong with me because the dropping and hurting process had always been a cycle. I thought that maybe it's just me who has a problem. BUT the people who got a grab of me let me feel that I'm just like everyone who's experiencing a big ball of emotion that is not reciprocated. I am still vulnerable to that fall but I am not scared anymore because I know I have a wide and strong support system just waiting for me to drop and let go. ![]()