Monday, March 29, 2010 Split Splat Thoughts I wouldn't be blogging tonight if not for my friend - R. Yes, he accidentally discovered this freaking blog. I haven't blogged for a while. It seems like I only open this site whenever I'm negatively negative and "groping for every inch of positivity". What's up with me lately? My nose was buried in a lot of work - tons! That I decided to slow down and take it easy. I'm trying to catch up on my youth. I'm feeling lonely and old lately. Maybe I'm a natural melancholic. Am I Crazy? Maybe. Maybe Not. Maybe about to be.. I wish I still have more time for myself. Wish I have more chances to do the things I love. Wish I have more patience to wait for that...............................................someone. Whoever he is. Where the hell is he?? Tell me, is he dead? What if I'm not meant to be here? What if I'm meant to work in another place? What if I'm meant to leave behind everyone? What if... all I can ask is What if? What if I'll never find the courage to.......?? But then.. maybe I'm the only one stopping myself? Maybe it's just me. Maybe it's not my family. Maybe it's not the society. Why do I feel like I'm locked up in a cage? Why do I feel like I can do so much more? Why do I feel like I'm running out of time? Move fast, lil me. Move faster. Too much planning might ruin everything. Fuck. ![]()