Tuesday, July 31, 2007 An Attempt to Easily Pack my Stuff TOILETRIES -tissue -napkin -toothbrush -deodorant -shaver -lipbalm -loosepowder -facepowder -lip&cheektint -ponytail -nuderm MEDICINES(put in 1 bag) -myra-e -cecon -ventolin -advil -spersallerg SHOES -close shoes -slippers MISCELLANEOUS -jacket -fan -sun glasses -book -extra pair of earrings -bracelet BAG -small bag -carry on bag *undies *medicines *shades *wallet *passport *id *plastic bag BED TIME -pjs/shorts -3 shirts CLOTHES -2 pairs of jeans -1 skirt/shorts -7-8 tops -undies What else should I bring? I'll only be gone in a few days. Should I buy a pair of flats so that I can wear 'em there? Or should I just buy the flats there? ...sad, I almost forgot... I'm going to miss by baby doggie Pettie Patsie's birthday. -sob- ...Now I don't want to go. ![]()
Sunday, July 22, 2007 ![]() ![]() I've been online for 4 hours when I opened a site that has these pictures. Yeah, yeah.. I so dig Lee Dong Gun and I was just crushed when I learned that he's in a relationship with Han Ji Hye for 3 years already. It's not like I'm hoping to date him or something (I've got -1 chances on that one). It's just that with me (a hopeless case when it comes to romantic relationships and a sucker for charming and seemingly mature artsists), it's sort of nice to know that there are still a few nice single people out there. Seeing these pictures, I feel like these good men are already starting to commit themselves in relationships (I suddenly remember a line - "All good men are taken"). I know I'm not ugly and I'm not dumb but the wrong people seems to be gravtitated towards me. What about the nice Romeos? Where are they? mmm. Do I sound so impatient? This is probably one of THE Days. Well, for now... I guess I just have to focus on myself (yeah, as always) and also on my career (holy guacamole!). Probably just enjoy the wait. Anyway.. Rain is still single. harhar ![]()
Saturday, July 14, 2007 I opened my friendster and saw the add that they posted. I was left out. I feel betrayed. This is the nth time. From closing the doors to locking 'em. Calling the applicants that I failed and doing SECRET phone interviews to NOT including my name on the job posting that they made. Why are they doing this to me when all I ever did was WORK? Is that all there is at WORK? - COMPETITION? I stopped aiming for IT. I know that with the determination and passion that I have, I'm going to attain my goal - BUT NOT IN THIS PARTICULAR ORGANIZATION. I don't want to compromise my VALUES just to be in THE position. I may not be a graduate of a top university but my humble college taught me the significance of certain principles. And that's what made me BETTER than all of you. ![]()
Monday, July 09, 2007 ![]()
Sunday, July 08, 2007 ...I'm a certified workaholic. Guess what I did the whole weekend? W-O-R-K. ...I may be working a lot because I don't have any other things to focus on to. ...I'm such a jealous twit. Been jealous twice (2 different people) today- which made me stop and think - I have become an workaholic and I have ZERO social life and a NEGATIVE love life. ...I pushed the good "prospects" away and now, some of them are actually taken. ...I'm quite contented with this set-up.hehe ![]()
Tuesday, July 03, 2007 DARN! I can't believe this person's actually working in my school. Of all schools! Of all people! I got a negative feedback from one of the applicants that I interviewed a few days ago. It turned out that this person got kicked out by the main coach because of her attitude problem. Oh GOD! Of all people! Of all schools! Well, I just hope that she'll lead our team to the Finals. I still can't believe it. Call me a bitch but I don't want the Titans to turn GREY. ![]()