Friday, July 08, 2005 just sharing! I was so excited to open my email today! I emailed my aunt last night and I was just so sure that she'll be emailing back right away. We're quite close and she knows a lot about me (except my uh... lovelife! harhar!). She knows what I've been going through for the past weeks and I was just touched because she called me right away to ask how things are going. She's like my second mom. We're even closer than my real mom (but of course I love my mom more!). She's super cool! She'll be visiting us here on August with her whole family (They reside in Jersey). I'm soooooooo excited to see her! Her email: Hi Cleofel ! You’re a YOUNG SMART AND PRETTY Filipina girl !! I enjoyed looking at the pictures. The other girls are also good looking. It’s nice to have a lot of good friends. Seems you had a fun time with the them. Glad to hear that you’re happy and not getting stressed out from everyday life. You shouldn’t ..You’re young and should not worry too much. Life is too short, enjoy every minute of it. ENJOY BEING YOUNG just like *C and *E. I talked to my sister *G about you. She knows that I’m proud of YOU with all your accomplishments in schools. A smart, young girl who has Goals in life !!! Take Care and Stay Happy Love, Tita/Ninang L ![]()