Saturday, October 09, 2010 Sunday Laziness AigooooO! Me and my sister are obliged to go to my cousin's house. AigooooooO! Yes, we are lazy. This is what we call the Sunday Laziness. hahaha! Caeyo: What's your ideal Sunday like? Cham: Staying at home, doing nothing. SS501-ing. Caeyo: Same here. I'm gonna fix myself another cup of coffee.. maybe that'll kick me out of these pjamas. harhar Seriously. I wonder why I hate attending birthdays, baptisms, weddings and any other events. It doesn't show but barely like attending those stuffs. Lazy ass. Caeyo, stop blogging and start fixing yourself. This is NETWORKING. Make it work for you. Business people will be there. GO. Get up. GO. ![]()