Wednesday, October 26, 2005 A scoop of my bitchology I was never a bitch but I know a girl who forced me to become one. Want to meet her? BITCHOLOGY I was a part of a bitchy group back then. Hanging out with them was so much fun except for one thing: When they bully girls. We were like the "MEAN GIRLS". The group bullied a particular girl --- a lot. I kind of pitied her to the extent that I quit being one of the "MEAN GIRLS". After that, the girl and I became friends - Close friends - or so I thought. The girl I saved from all the bullies... tsk! - left me! She then started declaring herself a fashionista blah blah. Tried to be with the "it" crowd. Never spoke to me again - not even when she needs something from me! What's up with that? Dropping me like a hot potato eh? tsk! well, rule number 1 for a "fashionista" like her: never wear a sports watch while trying to carry a glam look. Sports watch - is for sports?! ... casual events... not a glam night! rule number 2: deary, what's with the scarf? you're not in hollywood! (btw, the scarf is silver?!) ...not even hollywood stars would be caught dead in that one! rule number 3: you don't wear a thick band for your pony tail during glam nights. rule number4: Never tease or flirt someone by biting a straw!? that's sooooo. rule number 5: Caeyo emanates karma-tic effects. ...tsk... well, if you can't believe that I have a bitchy side... you've just seen a part of it! ![]()