Saturday, September 18, 2010 Programmed. noby: i've been thinking. if after 10 years, this is still the situation.. then you will have to make a good proposal and marry noby otherwise don't come looking for her. cheeks: of course i will. you'll love me 4x if i do. noby: by the way, she can't cook. she can't do the laundry - she can clean the house tho you have to make sure that her nebules are around. she doesn't like waiting and can be very demanding and inconsiderate when it comes to attention and time. She's a jealous bitch but opts not to show it. she loves surprises and doesn't like stinginess. She can't wake up early. She tends to be too friendly at times. She likes being alone except when she's sick. She likes kimchi with rice. She doesn't like broken promises. She spends big time when she's down. Once she starts crying, no one can make her stop. She's a handful who doesn't know much about the world. If you want to be a slave someday, you can have her. If not, then just go. It's as easy as that. cheeks: Noted, accepted, understood. How do you know if he is the one? I asked GOD for a sign. A year ago I told him that whoever asks me to be his wife (not his girlfriend) is THE one. To be honest, I never really want to undergo the famous "boyfriend-girlfriend" stage. I want things to be direct and simple. FIANCE and FIANCEE. I never needed a boyfriend but I've always wanted to have a husband -- or simply someone whom I can spend the rest of my life with. I know it's weird to hear this especially from someone who loves her freedom so much but I guess when you're already infront of that person, you wouldn't even think about the possible challenges that the two of you will face. Maybe love is programmed. Maybe it can be compared to a canned good which has an expiration date. We get married- we try to work it out - we get tired - we hurt each other - we look for other people to love. I'm not asking GOD for a romantic marriage but I want one that is based in the best friendship possible. Marriage will always be a tough job. It is a tiring process where one has to be selfless and open-minded. It also consists of loyalty-- something that right now.. I don't know if anyone has it. Not even me. I think marriage is a tiring aspect of one's life. Marriage. Is it for me? I hope so.I believe so even if majority thinks that I loathe it. ![]()