Tuesday, May 18, 2010 May 18 at 10:10pm Hi Ma'am! :D I'm sure kapag nanjan ako, may barrage na naman ng kwentos about you and the new cutie. Haha. Good luck with him.. and with your love life in general. :)) Yes, malapit nang mag-start ang classes. And yes, I'm a nagger pero I nag you because I know deep in you that you had always wanted it; it's just that you need someone to remind you (constantly). I'm glad I was able to somehow fill that role. It's always nice to help, let alone help a friend like you. As I'm always saying, go for what you love. In the end, you'll be happy and that is all that matters. We both want to make other people happy, but we should accept that we cannot truly make others happy without being happy ourselves. Remember that. :) I will. Maybe someday, I'll become Chief Justice or something. And you know what, when that happens, when I finally succeed in my chosen journey, you can be proud to say to the whole world that you played a big part of that journey. Good luck to the both of us! :D PS. I want Rai Rai Ken! Haha. Let's have dinner sometime. :) PPS. You should be studying this June. No excuses. It would make me very happy, if anything and at the very least. :) ![]()