Sunday, December 03, 2006 Dating myself I've realized one thing (and it may sound so conceited): I'm fun to be with. After dating myself (yes, I watched a flick by myself), I realized that it's not really a pain to hang around the mall, eat, and watch a good movie by myself. I've actually enjoyed it (and I hope I ain't turning asexual or something. harhar.). I think it's better than going out with someone boring. It's an unusual pick but I decided to go to Market Market yesterday. I've been there I think only twice or thrice. It was packed with people... mostly joli ones (sorry for the term). There were lotsa stores and I enjoyed going in and out of each store by myself. Walang istorbo and also no KJ with me. I was able to buy a few things for myself. Wow... It was fun!! :P I was also able to contemplate a bit. Now I've really absorbed the fact that I'm single and I'm enjoying it. It's a good thing right? Well, anyway... I'm planning to save a portion of my allowance so I can really shop before Christmas. There's this leopard skin mules and it's only worth a few pesos. wow... ![]()