Monday, October 09, 2006 "BOGUS TREASURES" As I was starting to rot in the messy corner of a cubicle... and my hands are getting sweaty because of nonstop typing... and my head is clouded by Mr. Raymond Cattell's Sixteen Personality Traits... it drilled Some ... - Exist ONLY through happy times. - Exist ONLY through my miseries. - Exist ONLY when they have good news. - Exist ONLY when they have gossips. - Exist ONLY to make pacute and blab about how blue the sky is. and it drilled some more... until a hole in my idealistic perception appeared. Lesson: Never expect people to be there when you are experiencing hell SIMPLY because they told you that they'll be there when in fact THEY FAILED TO SHOW UP. Nakakahiya. I did something pa naman because I was damn proud of their existence. What happened today was like a slap on my face. ![]()