Wednesday, December 21, 2005 With the help of the moon It ain’t over until it’s over. This may sound like one of Lenny Kravitz’ oh so cool songs but heartache is not over until it really is over. How will you know if the past has really ended and your heart’s not carrying a single dot of yesterday? How will you know that you are really involved with the present and not just in love with love itself? How will you know if you are ready to experience a new chapter of a book if you have not had a decent closure with the last one? A closure with yourself – with your heart. These questions stabbed me not because I am living a spot of yesterday but because I fear so much of tomorrow. I fear that I might be ready all this time and yet you might still be hiding from yourself. I have reflected thousands of hours ago that I am no longer the woman who will mourn for a wasted love – a love that hoped to change a dark persona. I do not wish to be like that anymore. I try to control each day at the palm of my hands, hoping not to meet another love that will bury me in the dirt just like what happened with the old one. And yet one day, I slipped and lost control. I met love. Yes, another one. I do not know if it is a trance but I am falling through its pit, day after day… after day. And tonight, as I listen to the stories of the moon, it kept me wondering… are you ready to experience that new chapter with me? Have you let down your defenses? Can you make me understand that what you are feeling now is a fruit of the current and not of what was left behind? Can you solely love me, and make me your past, present and even your future? I will never keep one who is still stuck with an unfinished chapter. I cannot be that selfish but I cannot also be hurt. I can only offer time… so much time. And till that time comes when I see you at your present… when I see you with no defenses… when I see me in your eyes, then I can say… that the wait is over… It really is over. ![]()