Sunday, December 20, 2009 Withdrawal Night Girl: I don't actually believe that love exists. Boy: Love does exist. Girl: Really now? Boy: Hahaha, let me the one to show you that love does exist. Boy..Oh Boy. Where is the love that you talked about? You talked about it and now I'm addicted to it. It's a hell of a withdrawal night. It's already 11:23PM and I have to be up by 4AM. I keep on re-reading old messages from last month's rendezvous as if it's going to make things real. Caeyo.. wake up! These messages are made because of the influence of alcohol. The care is not there. The warmth is not there. The connection is not there. Nothing's there except one drunken night followed by non sober days. Caeyo.. stop it! Stop thinking about him -he might even be sleeping and dreaming about someone else at this hour. Caeyo, you poor girl. Why do you have to do this to yourself? You are worth more than a toddler. Don't waste it. Don't waste your energy on someone like him. Don't. Just STOP thinking about him. Think about the better days to come. Think about your work. Think about all the things you wanted to do. The world is yours remember? Caeyo. Caeyo. Caeyo. I know you'll get through it. You'll be ok soon. Just hold on. Don't feel bad about yourself. Don't let this situation deflate your self-esteem. Don't let this break you. You have experienced the worst. This is not the worst. Remember when you used to cry yourself to sleep because of an old heartbreak? You got through it right? You have your friends. You have your family. You have God. You have yourself. Do take care of yourself. Don't mind him. Focus your attention on the goodness of tomorrow. I don't know if I should tell you to hold on or just let him go. I am confused too. But one thing is for sure, you have to hold your ground and realign with your old positive self. It's not yet the end of the world caeyo. It's just one those withdrawal nights. ![]()